But you can never take our FREEDOM!!!
"To be human is to want freedom. Look at what suffering people have willingly endured for the cause of freedom (in East Timor, for example). They desire freedom more than comfort or economic stability. Freedom to make their own mistakes, even to hurt and do evil.
Jean-Paul Sartre once said that we are “condemned to freedom”.
Yet others seem to fear freedom. Freedom brings too much responsibility. There are too many hard decisions to make. Maybe these are the people who choose legalistic religions where all the rules rare set down – these are the words of the prayers you should pray, these are the time to pray each day, these are the actions you need to take when you pray – and so on. It is much easier if a priest, rabbi or Imam tells you what to do and you don’t need to think through the various situations of life for yourself. Galatians 5:1-15 discusses legalism and freedom from a Christian perspective."
Interesting concept - freedom. All through the book of Romans Paul says that if you are not slaves to God and slaves of righteousness we are slaves to sin. It's very much like the Truman Show or the Matrix where people have no idea they are kinds of slaves or that they are being influenced or controlled by anything other than themselves and they are quite happy to continue in what they are doing, in their slavery. In that sense there is no such thing as freedom.
I suppose the concept of freedom is like "degrees of freedom" not those used in statistics to determine the probability of an occurence using "T" or "Chi" statistics. It's more like we want as many degrees of freedom as we can get and we want to make our own chances. People will fight and suffer for those degrees of freedom so that they may have a chance, at a job, or a better life, or world domination - those things that people fight for.
Life is about chances really, people always want a chance at something and the freedom to have that thing fulfil their needs.
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