Saturday, October 16, 2004

Would we even know?

"There is a problem with the idea of God “interfering with Nature” as God is the creator and upholder of Nature, it would seem that he is “interfering” with his own work. On the other hand, because it is his own work, he might be seen as free to change the laws of physics, his laws, when it suits him. The question is ‘Would he change the laws of physics?’"

I've been wondering, in terms of prayer and miracles, if God did do something - "interfere" with the world - would we know about? If he wanted to change the laws of physics would we realise? If somebody suffering from regret and grief prayed for God to change the past to alleviate their pain would he? If he did, surely he would take it right back so that no one knew about the change - groundhog day doesn't actually happen does it? No one relieves experiences. Maybe, because God is outside time and space but can work within it, he does do those things and we just don't realise. When we do see things we think are miracles then it's because God lets us see them.

I wonder if this perspective of things demeans the power and majesty, fatherhood and benevolence of God. If you agree with what Bob Russell (in lecture 10) says about everything being the direct act of God then for us to ask for change and it to occur, even when we don't realise it, it might be like God making a decision and then changing his mind because we ask him to. In a way - he is God, he may do whatever he likes - lucky he's benevolent.